Advertising Bonus – Application from September 22nd until October 22nd, 2018

From September 22nd, 2018 until October 22nd,2018, it will be possible to send the electronic application to the Department of Information and Publishing of the Council of Ministers to have access to the so-called “Advertising Bonus” regarding the advertising investments made through 2017 and 2018.
The Bonus, introduced by the Law Decree No. 50/2017 then converted to law in June 21, 2017 with the no. 96 and subsequent amendments, consists of a Tax Credit, recognized to companies, self-employed and non-commercial entities that have made investments in advertising campaigns in daily newspapers, periodic ones and online press as well as local, analog or digital radio stations and television.
In order to request the bonus is necessary that the total value of the investment exceeds at least 1% of the value of similar investments made through the same media in the previous year. If this requirement can be verified, then the credit will be recognized to an amount equal to 75% of the entire incremental value compared to the previous year, could be raised to a 90% for micro, small and medium companies and to innovative start-ups.
In case of insufficient resources available respecting the requests received, the Department will proceed to distribute of the resources among the beneficiaries in proportion to the due tax credit.
With reference to the year 2017 only, the investments to be considered will be those made in the period between June 24 and December 31 of 2017, and the increase will have to be assessed in relation to the investments incurred the corresponding period of 2016. The bonus will also cover the press media investments (including online)

Referring the year 2018, the benefit will be calculated on the incremental value of the expenses incurred (or still to be implemented) in the entire year. The amount must then be confirmed with a substitutive declaration to be presented between January 1 and 31, 2019.

The application requesting the Bonus can be sent using the Telematic Services that will be available from September 22, 2018 in the reserved area of the Revenue Agency website.

The Andersen & Legal professionals are at your disposal to provide you with further information on this subject as well as to assist you in preparing and submitting your application.