Business Valuation & Modeling

We are experts in the independent valuation of businesses, intangible assets, and financial instruments, in long-term financial planning, and in the attestation of restructuring plans. We provide valuation services for corporate M&A and extraordinary transactions, for accounting purposes and tax assessments, for litigation and insolvency proceedings, and for the Patrimonio Destinato/Rilancio special-purpose assets fund managed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

We empower business owners, majority and minority shareholders, board members, senior management, private equity funds, and family offices by helping them improve their understanding of value drivers, the business model, business plans, and, in general, of how capital market operators external to the company form their assessments of the company itself.


The Guarantee of Andersen Business Valuation & Modeling Services

We vaunt a wealth of experience in conducting complex valuations in different sectors. Our specialist professionals work alongside clients to support them every step of the way through the rationale of the valuation process. That support includes: analyzing the client’s priorities; identifying the best valuation process; gathering the information, internal or external to the company, required for the valuation; preparing and presenting special reports; assisting the client throughout the valuation process; and conducting periodic reviews or re-contextualizing existing valuations.


Valuations for extraordinary transactions

We guarantee a best-in-class valuation service for all-important extraordinary transactions, providing our clients with tailored, comprehensive, and reliable services.

We carry out business valuations of companies and corporate groups for purposes that can range from potential sales of equity interests, acquisitions of other companies, and public listing on a stock exchange, but also to identify value drivers or any weaknesses holding back value creation.

We produce feasibility studies for business development and long-term investment plans, as well as estimation reports and fairness opinions, pursuant to law, for the purposes of mergers, spin-offs, contributions, capital increases, and shareholder withdrawals.

We also prepare valuations of financial instruments and derivatives and are accredited valuators for the Patrimonio Destinato/Rilancio special-purpose assets fund managed by CDP.


Planning, Financial Modeling, and Restructuring Plan Attestations

We assist our clients in preparing business plans, including an analysis of hypotheses, the preparation of measurement models, and the presentation of outcomes. We also prepare plans for project finance initiatives (such as public-private partnerships) and conduct business plan and model reviews.

We produce feasibility studies for business development plans and long-term investment plans and provide restructuring plan attestations for the Patrimonio Destinato/Rilancio special-purpose assets fund promoted by CDP.


Financial Statement Valuations

When preparing financial statements, our team provides valuable support in the valuation of intangible assets (trademarks, patents, licenses, and other intangibles), and the valuation of assets and equity investments for impairment testing, purchase price allocations, and statutory revaluations, and impairment test reviews.


Valuations for Tax Purposes

Andersen’s professionals provide expert valuation services for tax purposes, where assets or equity investments need to be valued for tax revaluations, for transfer pricing purposes, and the patent box tax regime.


Litigation and Other Services

Where litigation is at hand, our professionals provide reliable and legally binding valuations of damages connected with business operations, as well as technical assessments for court proceedings, out-of-court negotiations, and arbitration.


Seamless Service

We consistently aim to deliver the best possible outcome for our clients in relation to their needs.

In providing business valuation and modeling services, our professionals—with the client’s approval—work closely with other Andersen teams, including: M&A Advisory; Deal Structure & Due Diligence Services; and M&A Legal Services.


Team leaders: Cesare Conti, partner; Alberto Maria Ghezzi, director

Our team of professionals is available to provide further details on the support offered and to share informational materials